2006 California State Science Fair
Project Listings

Click on the three digit codes "J##" or "S##" to see the entire panel's description, including schools, grades, advisors, and counties. Click on the adjacent word "PDF" to see the Project Summaries.
Judges should click on the PDF link.

Category Juniors Seniors
Aerodynamics/ Hydrodynamics   J01     PDF     S01     PDF  
Applied Mechanics/ Structures & Mechanisms/ Manufacturing   J02     PDF     S02     PDF  
Behavioral Sciences   J03     PDF     S03     PDF  
Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology   J04     PDF     S04     PDF  
Chemistry   J05     PDF     S05     PDF  
Earth Sciences/ Planetary Sciences/ Physical Environments   J06     PDF     S06     PDF  
Electricity & Electronics   J07     PDF     S07     PDF  
Environmental Engineering   J08     PDF     S08     PDF  
Environmental Science (Junior Division Only)   J09     PDF  
Mammalian Biology   J10     PDF     S10     PDF  
Materials Science (Junior Division Only)   J11     PDF  
Mathematics & Software   J12     PDF     S12     PDF  
Microbiology   J13     PDF     S13     PDF  
Pharmacology/ Toxicology   J14     PDF     S14     PDF  
Physics & Astronomy   J15     PDF     S15     PDF  
Plant Biology   J16     PDF     S16     PDF  
Social Sciences (Junior Division Only)   J17     PDF  
Structural Capability & Strength of Materials (Junior Division Only)   J18     PDF  
Zoology   J19     PDF     S19     PDF  

Last updated: Fri May 12 14:25:43 PDT 2006
California State Science Fair / 2006 Project Listings / CalifSF@usc.edu